We will now deal with one issue
that is disregarded by those who have the responsibility to pull the
alarm when given the seriousness of a sin that has crept among the Lord’s people. It
is that many christian families refuse to give birth to all the children whom
the Lord has planned for them to bring up in faith and love.
This sin, which should have been noted as a warning at all marriage events, defiles people and prevents the Holy Spirit to work with great power among the people of God. Also, prayers are often hindered by the defiled hands of those who should ascend clean hands to God in intercession, for the salvation of others.
It is known since ancient times that people used various methods to prevent the birth of children; from the bloody method of abortion, up to the most modern methods of avoiding conception of the fetus. Some christian families have borrowed from the world, so-called "innocent" methods, because they do not involve bloodshed or killing of the seed using drugs. Such methods are: avoidance of intimate relationships in some calendar days in which fertilization of the fetus can occur, abstinence for longer periods of time or even sterilization of one conjugal partner.
Life is the gift of God that we rejoice and give thanks for His grace to exist, and we are grateful to our parents that we were accepted in their families. This same gift of life should be enjoyed by the children that we deny the right to come into the world. Life itself is the very Lord Jesus Christ and to not allow His work to give life to our children, means to challenge His right to be Master and Lord in our lives.
How can we save people from death, bringing them to life in Jesus Christ, if we refuse to bring our own children to life? People refuse children for fear of suffering, because they worry about tomorrow, or because it seems a shame to have too many children in families. Christians who think like the outsiders are powerless to trust in the Lord, rejecting the coming of children for the same reasons.
Getting married entails willingly taking a yoke to be led in together as a team. This yoke is all the troubles and difficulties that arise in family life. We can avoid this yoke if we remain unmarried (1 Corinthians. 7:7, 26, 27). If we want to benefit from the pleasure of being married, it is lawful to accept the price to be paid for this pleasure, resulting in the birth and growth of all the children God wants to give us.
Those who forbid marriage are appointed by Paul, as people that have departed from the faith, marked with red iron in their conscience (1 Timothy 4: 1-3). The question is, what sin is greater: to stop marriage, or to stop having children? Can those, who stop giving life to those ordained to life, hope that God will give them eternal life? Paul says, “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap” (Galatians 6:7).
In a vision from a faithful sister in Romania, there was seen a woman in a gathering of believers, who was very well appreciated by the congregation’s elders for her work in the vineyard of the Lord. But Jesus said to them: “In my book it is written of her that she is dead forever. Why? Because when asked how many children she has, she responds, 'The Lord only gave me two.’ I wanted to give her more but she did not want to receive them. Her sin to refuse children is doubled by her lie, which drew upon her eternal punishment because she will not repent and cry to God to head remission.”
The Lord told the prophet Jeremiah: “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you” (Jeremiah 1:5). So if God is the One who plans beforehand the coming of a man in the world, who are we to interfere with our will against His will by planning how many children to bring into the world, and when to bring them?
King Solomon wrote: “In the multitude of people is the king’s glory but in the want of people is the destruction of the prince” (Proverbs 14:28). The Lord, our king, needs great and strong people, as said in Psalm 112: 2: “His seed shall be mighty upon the earth; generation of the upright will be blessed”; and Abraham was promised a seed as numerous as the sand of the sea and the stars of heaven. We are descendants of Abraham through faith like his and our duty is to fill God’s house with children blessed by God. The command given to humans and animals to multiply and replenish the earth still remains valid, for the earth is not yet completely filled. David says that God gave His commandments to be sacredly obeyed. God has not changed, and this command has been given before the law of Moses. Animals respect this command while only humans violate it. If animals would not breed, there would be a loss for man; so when man does not multiply, it is a loss to God. By opposing this command, it is thwarting God’s plan to fulfill His number of elects with children written in the Lamb’s book of life.
Souls of those killed by abortion are already in heaven, but those who were not allowed to exist by using the methods considered innocent will have to be born in other families that are already numerous and are usually in poor countries. Thus, as in the parable of the talents happens when that which had ten talents received in addition the one of whom hid it in the ground.
Some living in this sin criticise those who have many children saying that they don’t have wisdom, because God gave the people wisdom to regulate the number of their children and this can even adjust the earth’s population. To consider this work as God’s is an offense to Him. How could God, who can’t even see evil, be Himself the source of this evil? This “wisdom” does not come from above.
Parenting is reasonable, and is a spiritual service. Some of those who refuse to receive from God their own children are very willing to help orphans and others are very active in childbearing spiritual children by spreading the gospel to the unsaved. These are oddities of walking in the semi-darkness.
Muslims, who do not even have the light of the Gospel of Christ, have many children even in monogamous families, making the balance of births to be very much in their favor compared to Christians, that in some countries are even declining in number. The people of Israel precisely wished to be greater in number, to be superior to other nations.
God gave the barren a house and made her a joyful mother among her children (Psalm 113:9). Here is how the man who fears the Lord is blessed: “Your wife is like a fruitful vine inside of your house; your children are like olive plants around your table” (Psalm 128:3,4). The question is: what kind of vine is the wife who refuses to give rise to all the children and what kind of blessing may be of that man?
God’s Word says in Psalm 107:38,41 “He blesses and multiplies exceedingly the families as the herds. Uprights see this work and enjoy it and unrighteousness close their mouth." Today we can say just the opposite, that the wicked opens his mouth saying, “Behold, they are like us, why should we repent? The Christians only have two children as well”.
Solomon says: “Behold, children are a heritage of the Lord, the fruit of the womb is his reward” (Psalm 127:3). When Esau saw Jacob’s children, he asked, “Who are they?” And Jacob answered, “They are the children God has given your servant.” Paul says: “The woman shall be saved through childbearing – if they continue in faith and love and holiness, with self-control.” (1 Timothy 2:15).
There are some Christians who fear to prevent the birth of children, but they are not happy of their coming as they should, by muttering and grumbling against God who, they claim, gave them too many children. For this reason they are deprived of true blessing from the Lord and it just happens that they are punished through those children, being that they are sick or disobedient to their parents.
If we refuse the heaviness of raising children, how can we weigh heavily in the scale of God when He will separate wheat of chaff? David says: “I have been young and now am old, but I have not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread” (Psalm 37:25). Peter says: “Throw all your anxiety upon Him; for He cares for you.” (1 Peter. 5:7).
Faith is the assurance of things hoped for. If we do not believe the promise of God: that He will care for us and for our children, that means that we are making Him a liar and we are believers only by name.
God’s love is manifested in us through the love of brothers. Babies are our brothers, and even more, they are the fruits of our love as parents. If a family does not accept these wonderful fruits of love, can there be real love?
This sin, which should have been noted as a warning at all marriage events, defiles people and prevents the Holy Spirit to work with great power among the people of God. Also, prayers are often hindered by the defiled hands of those who should ascend clean hands to God in intercession, for the salvation of others.
It is known since ancient times that people used various methods to prevent the birth of children; from the bloody method of abortion, up to the most modern methods of avoiding conception of the fetus. Some christian families have borrowed from the world, so-called "innocent" methods, because they do not involve bloodshed or killing of the seed using drugs. Such methods are: avoidance of intimate relationships in some calendar days in which fertilization of the fetus can occur, abstinence for longer periods of time or even sterilization of one conjugal partner.
Life is the gift of God that we rejoice and give thanks for His grace to exist, and we are grateful to our parents that we were accepted in their families. This same gift of life should be enjoyed by the children that we deny the right to come into the world. Life itself is the very Lord Jesus Christ and to not allow His work to give life to our children, means to challenge His right to be Master and Lord in our lives.
How can we save people from death, bringing them to life in Jesus Christ, if we refuse to bring our own children to life? People refuse children for fear of suffering, because they worry about tomorrow, or because it seems a shame to have too many children in families. Christians who think like the outsiders are powerless to trust in the Lord, rejecting the coming of children for the same reasons.
Getting married entails willingly taking a yoke to be led in together as a team. This yoke is all the troubles and difficulties that arise in family life. We can avoid this yoke if we remain unmarried (1 Corinthians. 7:7, 26, 27). If we want to benefit from the pleasure of being married, it is lawful to accept the price to be paid for this pleasure, resulting in the birth and growth of all the children God wants to give us.
Those who forbid marriage are appointed by Paul, as people that have departed from the faith, marked with red iron in their conscience (1 Timothy 4: 1-3). The question is, what sin is greater: to stop marriage, or to stop having children? Can those, who stop giving life to those ordained to life, hope that God will give them eternal life? Paul says, “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap” (Galatians 6:7).
In a vision from a faithful sister in Romania, there was seen a woman in a gathering of believers, who was very well appreciated by the congregation’s elders for her work in the vineyard of the Lord. But Jesus said to them: “In my book it is written of her that she is dead forever. Why? Because when asked how many children she has, she responds, 'The Lord only gave me two.’ I wanted to give her more but she did not want to receive them. Her sin to refuse children is doubled by her lie, which drew upon her eternal punishment because she will not repent and cry to God to head remission.”
The Lord told the prophet Jeremiah: “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you” (Jeremiah 1:5). So if God is the One who plans beforehand the coming of a man in the world, who are we to interfere with our will against His will by planning how many children to bring into the world, and when to bring them?
King Solomon wrote: “In the multitude of people is the king’s glory but in the want of people is the destruction of the prince” (Proverbs 14:28). The Lord, our king, needs great and strong people, as said in Psalm 112: 2: “His seed shall be mighty upon the earth; generation of the upright will be blessed”; and Abraham was promised a seed as numerous as the sand of the sea and the stars of heaven. We are descendants of Abraham through faith like his and our duty is to fill God’s house with children blessed by God. The command given to humans and animals to multiply and replenish the earth still remains valid, for the earth is not yet completely filled. David says that God gave His commandments to be sacredly obeyed. God has not changed, and this command has been given before the law of Moses. Animals respect this command while only humans violate it. If animals would not breed, there would be a loss for man; so when man does not multiply, it is a loss to God. By opposing this command, it is thwarting God’s plan to fulfill His number of elects with children written in the Lamb’s book of life.
Souls of those killed by abortion are already in heaven, but those who were not allowed to exist by using the methods considered innocent will have to be born in other families that are already numerous and are usually in poor countries. Thus, as in the parable of the talents happens when that which had ten talents received in addition the one of whom hid it in the ground.
Some living in this sin criticise those who have many children saying that they don’t have wisdom, because God gave the people wisdom to regulate the number of their children and this can even adjust the earth’s population. To consider this work as God’s is an offense to Him. How could God, who can’t even see evil, be Himself the source of this evil? This “wisdom” does not come from above.
Parenting is reasonable, and is a spiritual service. Some of those who refuse to receive from God their own children are very willing to help orphans and others are very active in childbearing spiritual children by spreading the gospel to the unsaved. These are oddities of walking in the semi-darkness.
Muslims, who do not even have the light of the Gospel of Christ, have many children even in monogamous families, making the balance of births to be very much in their favor compared to Christians, that in some countries are even declining in number. The people of Israel precisely wished to be greater in number, to be superior to other nations.
God gave the barren a house and made her a joyful mother among her children (Psalm 113:9). Here is how the man who fears the Lord is blessed: “Your wife is like a fruitful vine inside of your house; your children are like olive plants around your table” (Psalm 128:3,4). The question is: what kind of vine is the wife who refuses to give rise to all the children and what kind of blessing may be of that man?
God’s Word says in Psalm 107:38,41 “He blesses and multiplies exceedingly the families as the herds. Uprights see this work and enjoy it and unrighteousness close their mouth." Today we can say just the opposite, that the wicked opens his mouth saying, “Behold, they are like us, why should we repent? The Christians only have two children as well”.
Solomon says: “Behold, children are a heritage of the Lord, the fruit of the womb is his reward” (Psalm 127:3). When Esau saw Jacob’s children, he asked, “Who are they?” And Jacob answered, “They are the children God has given your servant.” Paul says: “The woman shall be saved through childbearing – if they continue in faith and love and holiness, with self-control.” (1 Timothy 2:15).
There are some Christians who fear to prevent the birth of children, but they are not happy of their coming as they should, by muttering and grumbling against God who, they claim, gave them too many children. For this reason they are deprived of true blessing from the Lord and it just happens that they are punished through those children, being that they are sick or disobedient to their parents.
If we refuse the heaviness of raising children, how can we weigh heavily in the scale of God when He will separate wheat of chaff? David says: “I have been young and now am old, but I have not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread” (Psalm 37:25). Peter says: “Throw all your anxiety upon Him; for He cares for you.” (1 Peter. 5:7).
Faith is the assurance of things hoped for. If we do not believe the promise of God: that He will care for us and for our children, that means that we are making Him a liar and we are believers only by name.
God’s love is manifested in us through the love of brothers. Babies are our brothers, and even more, they are the fruits of our love as parents. If a family does not accept these wonderful fruits of love, can there be real love?
large part of the blame for this sin that has crept into lives of many last
days Christians, is on some spiritual shepherds, since many of them, being
defiled by this sin, not only refuse to rebuke it but even encourage the sin by
saying that God has given people this “wisdom”. Regarding this subject, some
believers point to their own pastors and argue that they should be the ones to receive the children, seeing as they
only have two or three. So while shepherds sleep, sin multiplies and weakens
the people spiritually.
It is the time to wake out of this sleep, rending our hearts before God, to confess our sins, asking Him if it is possible to forgive us, to wash our hands and clothes in the blood of the Lamb through sincere repentance. Also, those whose eyes are opened and see this state of affairs, must cry to God and intercede in prayer, begging mercy for awakening the sleepers, while looking to save some of them, snatching them from the fire. Jesus said, “Whoever welcomes a little child like this in My name, receives me” (Matthew.18:50). May God help us to receive them so gladly in the name of Jesus so He will not fail to reward us. If we open to those who knock at the door of life, in the same way, He will open to us when we will knock on His door. Let’s all ask God to soften our hearts to welcome in our families all the children God wants to send us, so we can totally witness His love to all He brings into our lives; accomplishing our calling by being the light of the world.
It is the time to wake out of this sleep, rending our hearts before God, to confess our sins, asking Him if it is possible to forgive us, to wash our hands and clothes in the blood of the Lamb through sincere repentance. Also, those whose eyes are opened and see this state of affairs, must cry to God and intercede in prayer, begging mercy for awakening the sleepers, while looking to save some of them, snatching them from the fire. Jesus said, “Whoever welcomes a little child like this in My name, receives me” (Matthew.18:50). May God help us to receive them so gladly in the name of Jesus so He will not fail to reward us. If we open to those who knock at the door of life, in the same way, He will open to us when we will knock on His door. Let’s all ask God to soften our hearts to welcome in our families all the children God wants to send us, so we can totally witness His love to all He brings into our lives; accomplishing our calling by being the light of the world.
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